Turner sapeva bene cosa visitare ai Castelli Romani, Frascati e Prata Porcia in primis. Già proprio Prata Porci che da qualche anno ha perso la sua denominazione per trovare una più “elegante” definizione in Pietra Porzia!. Sul grande pittore inglese in visita ai Castelli romani abbiamo già scritto a proposito del suo interesse per Cicerone e le Tusculane disputationes e della sua della collaborazione con Hakewill per il libro A Picturesque Tour of Italy: From Drawings Made in 1816-1817, London 1820. Ma è stata una vera sorpresa trovare la citazione della contrada di Prata porci. Dai taccuini emerge ben chiaro insemen ad una lista di luoghi dei Castelli romani annotati non solo a parole ma anche con piccoli disegni tratti dalle da alcune stampe disegnate da John ‘Warwick’ Smith e incise da William Byrne. Questo è il testo To Frascati Monte Catone Prata Porcia | Lake Regillus Mt Agidus Preneste – | Horatii and Curatii supposed to be Cneius | Pompey Aricia or La Riccia ancient | [?hill]-town. some arches and circular building | Via Appia. 1 mile Madonna de Galloro. | 2 miles hence Gensano and Lake of Nemi | Nemus Diana. Castle and Town on a rock | Monte Giove Jovis Monte Artemisio. | Fountain of Egeria Palace of Nero Trajan | [?vessel] Abbey of St Paolo Roca del Papa | on the Alban Mount above a plain Campo | Annibale and Abby and Convent now occupies | the scite of the Jupiter Latiaris | Antium Nettuno its port ^Ostia^ Asturia and Mouth | of Tiber on one side Astura and Circe’s promontory | the other Ruins of Pompey, Villa Ostia ^once^ port | of Rome, mouth of the Tiber. hills wooded 6 Miles | Paterno Tower once Larintium | Road to Naples. Albano Velletri at Torre d tre | Ponti some remains of columns inscriptions& c | Pontine marshes 30 M River Ufens & Amasenus | Rock of Anxur Volscian Mt Cora Sezza Piperno | Wall and two Doric Temples at Cora. | River Amasenus Terachina Terracina on the | [?eminence] of Anxor still remains 2 Squares the | temple of Jupiter and Apollo popes palace | 6 Miles S of Terracina a defile called Passo di Portella. Tower and Gate Barrier Torre del Epitaff | io” (parentesi e interpunzioni sono degli studiosi che hanno prubblicato gli studi sui taccuini). Ed ecco il testo descrittivo dato alle stampe con Hakewill per il A Picturesque Tour of Italy: Frascati antiently bore the name of Tusculum. It was to this place the proud Tarquin retired when expelled from his kingdom by the indignant spirit of the Roman people; and from hence he carried on that war which is so celebrated in the annals of liberty. The day of retribution however was at hand; and in the course of time the Tusculaus were compelled, after a spirited resistance, to surrender their liberties to the armies of republican Rome. During the period the city was under her dominion, it may boast of having given birth to two of the best men of the times, Quintus Cincinnatus, and Cato the Censor; and of having been the residence of a still more illustrious personage, namely, M. Tullius Cicero, who composed in his villa at this place the immortal Tusculan disputations. The natural beauties of its scenery had at that time attracted the notice of many of the more wealthy Romans, and the environs of Tusculum abounded with splendid villas. Tusculum was destined to suffer still harder treatment from the modern Romans than it had before experienced from the ancient: the Pope, who held it as a fief from the Emperor of Germany (or King of the Romans), had granted to it so many liberties, as to render the place an object of jealousy to the municipality of Rome; and after a long war between the two cities, which occupied great part of the twelfth century, he gave it up to them, in order to put an end to the constant dissensions which it occasioned between himself and his own people. The city was then razed to the ground, and the wretched inhabitants, deprived of their homes, retired to a spot in the suburbs, and where they dwelt for some time in rude huts constructed of the materials which the neighbouring woods afforded: it is indeed from this circumstance (the word /rosea signifying the bough of a tree), that the modern name of Frascati is supposed to have been derived. Its delightful situation has again proved an object of attraction to the Romans, and Frascati is one of the most favourite places of retirement from the city during the heats of the summer season. Amongst many others, the villa of the late Cardinal d'York was situated here. Ancient Tusculum was considered an almost impregnable fortress; but it may be added, that its site is imagined to have been higher on the hill than the FRASCATI. spot where the modern town stands: Lucullus's villa is generally considered to have occupied that spot. The cupola of St. Peter's, and the outline of the city of Rome, are seen in the more distant parts of the view, together with a branch of the Appennines, running towards the sea on the west.” J.M. Turner era un gran camminatore e faceva molta attenzione alla luminosità dei luoghi anche per i piccoli schizzi che faceva d’abitudine ovunque, nei Castelli immaginiamo si sia fermato più di qualche giorno  fermato qualche giorno a Frascati  visita e coglie i panorami da Villa Aldobrandini, Mondragone, Villa Taverna e Villa Lancellotti. Gli schizzi sono alla sua maniera, abbozzati, con pochi tratti fatti in velocità, nervosamente.
Ecco alcuni disegni tratti dai taccuini conservati alla Tate Gallery di Londra






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